Creative team: Dina Turlieva, Zhibek Aralbek, Madina Serik
Supervisor: Botagoz Omarova
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Zangar Omar, Botakoz Dandybaeva, Dzhohangir Kusmanov
Karina Kadyrbekova
Supervisor: Alisher Mishelev
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Ekaterina Chernushenko, Anuar Magzumov
Supervisor: Moldir Mukhit
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Berik Seilbek, Anzhela Kim, Akbota Ibragimova
Supervisor: Indira Asanova
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Sanjar Alymjanov, Kasiet Samatbekova, Aliia Makeshova
Meerim Samieva
Supervisor: Adilet Karzhoev
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Aigul Ablasanova, Medina Seyitkazieva, Aisuluu Murzakulova, Roza Amanbekova
Supervisor: Asel Juraeva
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Bayel Omurbekov, Akylai Shabdan kyzy, Nargiza Korgoldoeva,
Gulnura Erkebaeva
Supervisor: Chyngyz Narynov
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Nasiba Karimzoda, Malika Shukurova
Supervisor: Manuchehr Ruziev
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Farahnoz Nabieva, Mirkhamdam Irgashev, Shamshod Mirzoev, Mustafo Nurullaev, Ayubi Amina, Firuza Mirjumaeva
Supervisor: Ellina Kim
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Anushervon Bekov (Shoimardonov), Nigora Kurbanova, Makhina Sharipova
Supervisor: Zoir Kuziev
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Shahzoda Mirzoeva, Parvin Shonazarov, Karina Narzikulova, Navras Ramazanov
Supervisor: Kamelia Samoilenko
Mentor: Askold Kurov
Creative team: Farhod Abdujalilov, Fazliddin Boymatov, Mehribonu Niyazova
Mentor: Elyor Nematov
The films were made with the support of the IWPR Representation in Central Asia as part of the Development of New Media and Digital Journalism project. The project is implemented by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) with financial support from the Government of the United Kingdom. The content, views, opinions, and interpretations expressed in the films belong to the author and may not coincide with the official position of IWPR and do not reflect the official position of the Government of the United Kingdom.
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