Gender-Sensitive Journalism in Ukraine: Covering Violence in Media

This textbook was designed from the course "Gender-Sensitive Journalism in Ukraine: Covering Violence in Media"

In the textbook, you will learn how to cover violence in media and blogs, from understanding what types of violence exist, to the language for covering it: the terms and phrases that you should or should not use when describing gender-based violence cases. Another important component in the material is a module on how to speak with people who were subjected to violence: how to interview them, what are the ethics of such communication. The textbook is recommended for beginners, practicing journalists and bloggers, teachers and students of journalism faculties of Ukraine. It can be helpful for professional training of practicing journalists, editors and teachers.

The course itself can be found in English version of the website, in the courses section. This course was adapted for Ukraine from the original Media School course, "Gender-Sensitive Journalism: Covering Violence in Media?" and translated into Ukrainian. The course was developed as part of the IWPR's Ukraine Voices programme. Ukraine Voices is funded by the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.