What will you learn?
Module 1
In this module, you will learn where storytelling came from, as well as the basic principles of building a story (plot structure)
Module 2
Not so long ago, the main journalist’s task was finding information. Today, we are experiencing an information boom, an oversaturation of information. In this section, Anastasia Lotareva, Chief Editor of “Takie Dela” portal, talks about why you should tell the stories and how to tell them in order to be heard.
Module 3
A good story is a movie on paper. The viewer needs to see pictures changing, he expects emotions, wants to feel involved. In this module, you will learn the plot formula, and how emotion and detail work in stories.
Module 4
What is a storytelling style and what tricks you can use so that your readers recognize your style, and how to ‘animate’ the data – you will learn about these topics in the fourth module.
Module 5
Ten rules of the storyteller
Module 6
The final step: individual assignments and the final test. Good luck!

Diana Svetlichnaya

Anastasia Lotareva
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