IWPR has brought together experienced and novice podcasters from Central Asia, Russia and the UK on the site of the Hello Podcasters! Online festival.
Podcasting is just beginning to gain traction in the CA countries and has great potential for development. To exchange experiences, talk about the future and prospects of the industry, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in Central Asia hosted the region’s first online podcast festival, which brought together about 200 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
In this series of video tutorials, you will find recordings of the sessions. The festival took place from February 25-27 in an online format. On the first day, the participants were divided into two parallel rooms – for beginners and intermediate podcasters. Topics covered: concept development, promotion, podcast formats, the importance of audio, technical issues, analytic podcasts, monetization, and building a community around a podcast. The next two days were devoted to discussing the podcasting industry in Central Asia, meeting podcasters in the region and group work to discuss the future of the industry in Central Asia.
As part of the festival, we created the first online collection of CA podcasts. You can get acquainted with the link: https://podcastfest.cabar.asia/
Day 1
Podcast Concept – How to Design One? Debriefing of successful concepts
Speaker: Marina Sharipova
Beyond Interviews: Other Podcast Formats “
Speaker: Anna Chesova
The importance of sounds and music in a podcast
Speaker: Alexey Zelensky
Technical questions: what to sign up for if there is no studio. What mistakes should be avoided during installation
Speaker: Lev Pikalev
Promotion of podcasts through social networks, offline events, etc.
Speaker: Christina Wazowski
Analytical podcasts
Speaker: Rachel Humphries
Monetizing podcasts
Speaker: Alexander Polivanov
How to build a community around your podcast
Speaker: Gregory Prophets
Podcast storytelling
Speaker: Evgeny Babushkin
Regional Panel Discussion: “The Pain and the Future of Podcasting”
Speakers: Marina Sharipova, Begimay Zhetimishova and Ermek Ismailov, Zebo Tadjibaeva, Darina Solod
Presentation of the results of the survey “Where is podcasting in Central Asia now?”
Speaker: Begayim Adzhikeeva
Podcasting statistics
Speaker: Eduard Tsarionov
Business in podcasting
Speaker: Mikhail Kokin
Panel Discussion “The Power of Sound: Experience of Supporting the Podcasting Industry by International Organizations” and Closing
Speakers: Marina Mikhtaeva, Internews Kazakhstan, Tynymgul Eshieva, Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, Zarrina Babaeva, Go Viral Tajikistan
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