First of all, preparation for the report begins with a relevant topic that is close and interesting to you. It is much easier to prepare for the report when you talk about what excites you, about what you do and it does not bother you. However, even with this, it is necessary to create and see a certain structure of your speech. Before preparing a report, it is necessary to find out to which audience it will be presented, find out the time frame for its preparation, and at the same time take into account the interests of the audience. Thus, first of all, the topic of the report should interest the speaker himself, and only then the audience.
If the audience is young and very energetic, you need to constantly engage it. As a rule, it is best not only to maintain a structured description of the report, but also to “dilute” it with some interesting stories. And then the audience will listen to you, and not “catch flies.”
It is critically important to convey the main idea in the main part of the speech, duplicating it if necessary for better memorization of the audience. In your conclusion, you again repeat the thought that is very important to you. I understand that when exploring a specific topic, you want to talk about everything that is interesting to you, but do not forget – the main purpose of your report is to convey certain information to the audience, but it can be different. And therefore, when preparing your report and speech, you need to determine the main idea that you want to convey to the audience and do everything so that people remembers this idea and takes it with themselves.
How to prepare for the report?
- Choose a topic that interests you and in which you are competent
- Create a content structure and sequence
- Identify the main idea that needs to be conveyed.
- Prepare interesting stories for the audience
- Constantly engage the audience in the process.
How to successfully conduct a presentation to an audience?
In my opinion, the report you are reading from the slides or just a piece of paper is not appropriate anywhere. In a speech, the speaker should try to engage all participants in the event. If you read simply from a piece of paper, it is not interesting to the audience, after a while the audience begins to be distracted. And if you do not have visual contact with the audience, and you don’t notice it, because you are reading something from a piece of paper and it seems to you that it is very interesting and everyone listens, you actually lost this connection. Therefore, in my opinion, you do not need to read from a piece of paper, only if it is not a set of certain terms or the chemical composition of something that you just need to list, this is very important. That is, look into the text only for the sake of fundamental quotes or complex terms.
When preparing texts for a presenting, it is desirable to use simple speech without complex syntactic structures, then the information will be better perceived by the audience.
You do not need a lot of reading during the presentation. You do not need to tell everything that is on your slide, because there is a certain time frame, for example, one to two minutes per slide.
More than 70 percent of humanity is visuals. The visual range during the performance is very important. Typically, the design of the visual series is made in the form of a presentation consisting of visual pictures, graphs, codes and other slides. The text on the slides should be short, decorated in large print, clearly visible from the audience. Remember – text slides are not created for the speaker, but to facilitate understanding of the audience.
It is clear that you want to convey as much information as possible. If people are interested, then they will ask for your slides in order to slowly and more in-depth study what you were talking about. The main thing during the presentation is to choose one or two main thoughts and try to convey them. What is important is up to you. Do not overload the slide with text – you already read it in your report. Leave the words to yourself, and the graphics for presentations. Thus, sometimes visualization of words is more effective than long speech.
Improvisation can also be useful; I myself do this very often. However, improvisation is allowed within the framework of a specific argument, that is, to improvise the entire performance is not a very good solution. To prepare a presentation, create a structure, prepare your arguments, choose a visualization that will vividly reflect your presentation, this is very important. I personally rarely practice in front of a mirror, but when an event is very important and at a very high level, I try to do it. So the rehearsal of the performance in front of the mirror will never be superfluous.
Key tips:
- Thoroughly prepare for the performance
- Have a rehearsal (practice)
- Prepare a presentation with abstracts
- Establish positive contact with your audience.
- Do not read, but tell, explain and share
- Do not be afraid of mistakes and improvise
A separate topic is humor. There are speakers who manage to make presentations both cheerfully and on business. They insert a lot of funny pictures, joke, but at the same time give useful information. Listeners are interested and are having fun. This is a talent that must be developed through hard work. If you can do that too – great, these speakers are being loved. If not, it’s better not to insert a lot of jokes into the presentation.
It is known that what is said at the very end is best remembered by people. Concluding the report, summarize what has been said, recall the main points.
If the listeners thought about the received information after the end of the event, consider your task is completed to the maximum.
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