Firstly, one must sincerely be interested in one’s topic, because without doing so, it is absolutely impossible to touch the heights in any affair. Secondly, it is necessary to follow strict criteria of scientific nature, that is, any of your ideas, the hypothesis that you put forward must be verifiable and falsifiable, there must be a statement about which it can be said whether it is true or false. That is, the article must comply with scientific standards.
In addition, the article should be well written. It is necessary to use a language that is understandable to a wide audience, intelligible, does not contain unnecessary complications, does not contain five-line sentences. You are not Leo Tolstoy, you are an analyst, therefore write as clearly as possible, short and clear.
There are basic principles for composing text. An analytical text usually consists of three parts: an introduction, a main part and a conclusion, and they are all built on the principle of a pyramid. In the introduction we list all the main ideas that we will present in the main part, we do the same in the conclusion, as well as each paragraph should consists of a number of standardized blocks.
The first sentence is a certain thesis, which you will analyze further in the paragraph, then a few sentences – a proof of this thesis and then either connections, small additional proofs or a passage to the next paragraph. This form allows to understand the written text better.
A reader who does not have time can simply go over either the introduction or the conclusion. If they have a little more time, but not enough to read the whole article, they can just go over the so-called upper left corners, that is, read the first lines in all paragraphs of the main part. Ideally, after that, they should understand all main idea of the text. The introduction and conclusion of the article should reflect the main idea of the author.
If we talk about making the text more intelligible to the reader, then one should first pay attention to the style: how to make it more understandable, less scientific, how to improve your text so that your thoughts and ideas reach the reader better. To do this, it is worth cutting sentences to the maximum. Ideally, a sentence should be no longer than two lines. Reduce subordinate clauses, put a period instead of commas where possible. Put the subject and predicate in the beginning and place the addition after them. Avoid passive collaterals and excessively long opening structures. At first it may seem that this makes the text poorer, but the real wealth of your analytical text is the thoughts that are stated in it, and the faster they reach your reader’s soul, the better for them. Avoiding complex designs is one of the components of professionalism.
How to write expert analytics in a simple way?
Key tips:
- Sentences must be no longer than two lines
- Avoid complex structures
- Thought must be conveyed clearly and easily.
- Follow the principle of the “inverted pyramid”
- Introduction and conclusion are the most important parts of the article.
- Remember: most people do not read the full article
A high-quality analytical article is usually devoted to the proof of one main idea, that is, it can have several side thoughts that complement, develop this primary idea. Generally, if you are going to write a really serious and deep study, it is better to take one thought, because your task is to create such a holistic microcosm, to create a kind of work that will close a certain question at least for a while. Thus, the reader who is studying your work concludes that the question has been studied deep enough, that the reader understands what the author wanted to say, and the reader believes him. Since the author has given enough arguments to support his/her position. This depth is just achieved by the fact that authors are not going into many small thoughts of any kind but spend all their time to prove one particular thought in the maximum number of ways.
A good analyst pays a lot of attention to building a network of contacts with other analysts, with government officials, with decision makers, with his friends from some other areas, because you never know which area you need a person from. That is, one must be sociable and expand the circle of acquaintances.
A good analyst is very attentive to working with social networks and uses them in very active manner. While promoting brand through social networks, it becomes recognizable, by involving the audience in communication, it is not afraid of criticism. Openly publishes all achievements and carefully listens to what people are telling, as well as engaging in sending out the most significant works to the list of contacts so that they become familiar with them. Thus, promoting yourself through social networks always pays off.
In general, a professional is constantly learning something new, participates in conferences, seminars, does not stop self-education and uses all the possibilities in order to gain some new knowledge, improve the quality of their analytics and forecasts.
How to become a highly sought analyst?
- Have a sincere interest in your topic
- Expand each problem in detail
- Observe scientific standards
- Write in simple terms
- Expand the circle of useful acquaintances (experts, officials, journalists)
- Promote yourself through social networks and engage your audience in the discussion.
- Continuously deepen your knowledge
- Know English language
It is very important to write articles not just for people, but for a specific group that will be interested in the information you are promoting. To know your readers in “face” means to determine for yourself the forums that you can turn to for tips on the article, which group on social networks to “study”.
An important addition may be the illustration of the article. This is a clear proof that the author is an expert in the subject and can correctly express his thoughts and also visualize them. Assistants in this may be – tools for preparing the finished text and a better perception of the material. It can be tables, pictures, videos.